Like every innovation, residential solar PV is making its way through the technology adoption lifecycle. The ‘chasm’, or gap between the early adopters and early majority customers, is where most new technologies fail and where countless companies die. Except for Hawaii, every solar market in the U.S. is still tapping into the ‘innovator’ and ‘early adopter’ population. Even in California, residential solar has yet to ‘cross the chasm’ and reach mainstream consumers. While the solar industry achieved great progress in improving solar system design, equipment, and installation, residential PV remains a complex product, and a difficult one to sell. Stubbornly-high costs of sales clearly indicate that solar, as it is offered today, is not fully ready for mass market adoption. In this white paper, you will learn: How the market is pivoting from third-party ownership (TPO) to direct customer ownership (DCO) Which challenges await solar consumers turned power producers […]
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